- Time Travel the Planet with a Global Debt Jubilee
- No More DEBT BASED currency
- Advance the DARPA Avatar Project
- Advance Space Force
- Advance the Artificial Intelligence Accelerator
- Sex Won't Be Shameful
- Weed WILL Be Legal
- Faith - Debt will be money
- Robot Slaves ONLY
- Forgiveness + Love will be the ONLY Commandment
- Small Government Controlled by AZAZEL (Blame him he will forgive you)
- Unless you Judge others then EYE will nag you for eternity.
So many projects, so little time..... here is a short list of projects I have worked on.....
- PSOMAS, Delta Water Resources Project - Senior Right of Way Engineering Analyst, Overland Pacific and Cutler - Mapping, Preliminary Title Reports, Easements, Water Rights, Preliminary Mineral Reports, Advertising, Consulting, providing research/mineral title reports and suggested curatives for a preliminary project to bring water from the Delta to the Central Valley.
- City of Bakersfield/TRIP, Centennial Corridor Improvement Project - Senior Right of Way Engineering Analyst, Overland Pacific and Cutler - Field Inspector/Engineering Analyst for the demolition activities for Bakersfield’s Centennial Corridor Project, connecting the Westside Parkway with the 58 Hwy, duties included, but not limited to, keeping engineering daily logs, wildlife protection logs, employee interviews, overseeing bidding processes, as-builts, mapping, utility disconnects, change orders, removals of underground utilities, standard operating procedure manuals, demolition permits, submission of all documentation to CALTRANS and City of Bakersfield.
- Los Angeles County, LAWA LAMP (Automated People Mover) Centennial Corridor Improvement Project - Senior Right of Way Engineering Analyst, Overland Pacific and Cutler Assisted Project Engineers in locating and addressing expired and current easements, oil and gas leases and other encumbrances.
- CaliforniaCountyRecords.com - Software Engineer/ Principal - A pet project of mind, still seeking funding to get it up off the ground - combining the databases for the Geologic Energy Management Division, formerly the Department of Oil and Gas and Geothermal Resources, the Kern County Records Office and other counties in the State of California, with other data bases like the Kern County Superior Court, Kern County Assessor's Office, ancestry.com, Google Maps, people finders.com, zillow.com, titlepoint.com, titleworks.com, Kern County Engineers Office and other property related agencies and title companies, into one easy to use interface for complete property profiles, that include all available data, such as recorded documentation, ownership of surface, minerals, and water, oil and gas wells, production information, leases (whether active or expired, equipment, available minerals, water, and other valuable data, available to subscribers for a reasonable fee, my dream is to build the ultimate property database.
- Onshore Leasing Corporation - Senior Title Examiner and Supervising Contractor - Los Olivos, High Noon and Sunshine exploration Projects for companies like California Resources Corporation, formerly Vintage Petroleum. Oversaw the title department and assured ownership was awarded correctly and appropriate curatives were in place before leasing or purchasing mineral rights from the various owners of record in the various Counties of California. Reviewed Mineral Ownership Reports for leasing purposes. Searched official records and probates of counties. Conducted lease checks for project areas. Searched through off-record documentation, such as Trust Agreements, Probates, Escrow Instructions, etc. Cured title when necessary to take a lease, assisted in many due diligence projects.
- Chief Title Examiner and Principal - Elements Land Service, Inc. and Independent DBA - Primary role to conduct research and complete surface and mineral reports for purposes of leasing, curative, creation of subdivisions, litigation, and right of way. Secondary roles included accounting, and client/contact interaction. Client concerns included water rights, easements, and litigation on various properties. Provided knowledge and expertise to create/review reports, and also provided curative options.

Office Services Technician - Kern County Recorder's Office - Conversion Project, included the digitization and redaction of all sensitive data of all Official Records, included but not limited to, all Deeds, Decree of Distribution, Oil and Gas Leases, Affidavits, Judgments, Deeds of Trust, Trust Agreements, Liens, Defaults, Tax documentation, and vital records, including but not limited to Marriages, Births, Deaths, and Military Records, from microfilm or paper to digital format, complete with images, grantor/grantee and fee indexes. Kern County now has the most inclusive digitized system in the State of California.
Political Experience:
- Staffer/Field Agent - Western Pacific Research - "Where do your rights come from? Government? Or from God?" Mark Abernathy asked me after an eerily long pause during my job interview in 2015. I was wearing my Ron Paul for President 2012 sweater during the interview, eager to make a great first impression, I whipped out my Ron Paul pocket constitution and responded...."the Government doesn't exist....it's a false idol." Mark hired on the spot and I got to work on the following campaigns....
Shannon Grove for State Senate
Donald Trump for President 2016 - (Mark had the contract to vet the Donald Trump Delegates)
Rest in Peace Mark.....
Other Campaigns I worked on....
Michael Garcia Biglay for Assembly
James Davis - Deviant for Congress 2018